Why you should have your Newborn Photos at Home
When looking for a newborn photographer in your area, have you considered having them capture you at your home? Studio photography is beautiful and consistent, and if that is what you are looking for, brilliant. That is not what my photography style is all about. I am a storyteller, and there is no greater story to me than the growth of a family.
The space you call home is part of your story, whether you believe it or not. Your home holds so many pieces of you. Your style, your memories, your favorite books, art and hobbies. These things make up your home and your story, and that is my favorite thing to photograph.
Reason 1: Mom might still be recovering! Let me come to you!
You are recovering from birth, getting in and out of the car is tedious and sometimes painful. You shouldn't be going anywhere in the days after birth, except to pee, eat or change from bed to couch.
The birthing partner needs to rest after birthing a baby. I strongly prescribe to mom being able to rest and move as little or as much as they are able in the first days and weeks after birth.
I was so physically tired after birth, that just getting up and down from bed or a chair brought on the need to sit back down. Our bodies are adjusting to so many changes after birth, that rest and staying home is always a good idea.

Reason 2: Can easily pivot when a diaper change is needed or spit up splashes your outfit
Newborn babies present parents with unexpected circumstances daily. Especially for first-time parents. When you are at home, you are already surrounded by items to help you... diapers, change of clothing for both baby and parents, bathrooms, nursing support, towels...food, and water!
I was parched every single time I nursed my babies and needed water near me at all times. Usually, that meant having a glass of water on every single tabletop in our home for the first month. Not the mention my toddler wants a snack every 15 minutes.
Having everything you "might" need within reach, makes for much less anxiety when it comes to planning our time together. We can just pivot and do what is needed. It is all part of your story as a growing family.

Reason 3: No Commute!
You don't need to drive anywhere. For some, getting a newborn in the car seat can be an ordeal.
My first baby hated the car seat for several months after birth, and screamed the moment we put her butt in that seat. But my second baby loved it and fell asleep immediately, taking long naps every time we got in the car. Which was both very nice, and not ideal when her nap time messed with her night time sleep. Sigh. Car trips can be complicated with kids, and we can eliminate that step all together.
Reason 4: Your kids are most comfortable at home!
Your home is your safe place for your kids, no matter their age. But especially for a newly upgraded big sibling. They are going through so much with the addition of a new baby to the family. Staying in their comfort zone (home) can allow them to relax after meeting someone new (me), or find more opportunity to feel calm in their own space. Staying home can keep transitions and hard expectation changes to a minimum.
Reason 5: I WILL see your home differently than you.
It is as simple as I have a different perspective than you do about your home. I don't walk in looking for mess or clutter. I am looking at YOU, your connections and your relationship to the space around you.
I am also looking for natural light. Where are the shadows and light hitting in your home. I look how to best represent you in your space. Looking at the rooms and spaces you spend most of your time in. The living room, kitchen, bedrooms and backyard.
I am looking for fun and creative ways to frame you in your space through door frames, reflected in your mirrors or taking advantage of bright sunlight in your stairwell. Who sits on their stair landing? YOU do when I come to visit with my camera!
Reason 6: Your home is NOT too dirty, small or ugly.
Your home is your home, it is where you spend your time and where you are building your family. It is filled with things you love and you and your family have built routines around your spaces. You may not think so now, but in 10 years you will want to see pictures of your life when baby arrived. Your first rental apartment, or your first home together, it doesn't matter. It is your story and your home. These images are for no one else, except YOU!
Yes, some homes are beautifully designed and de cluttered, but the majority of my in home sessions have toys everywhere and rooms with small windows and kitchens with dishes in the sink. When baby arrives, our priorities have changed a little bit ;-). Maybe we don't focus so much on the cleaning, because we have a new baby in our arms and our hearts are swelling with love for this new human.
We lean into those moments and create images that reflect life RIGHT NOW!
Funny enough, many long time clients will joke with me about how well they clean their home before I arrive. A great motivation for decluttering...or shoving anything they don't want in the pictures in an extra room or corner. This happens way more than you might think. We don't talk about those rooms. HA. Just kidding, my clients and I always giggle about those clean up efforts, especially since I. Don't. See. The. Mess. NO really. I see your connections, I see your love and growth together. Your images will reflect YOU in your space. Not your space.
We find the pockets of light near windows, we cuddle on your bed or couch and lean into the time we have together.
Have any questions or concerns about why you should have your newborn photos at home? Reach out and lets ease your worries!
Head over to another post..."5 Reasons to Choose an In home Family Session"...for those with young kids!